Moving to a new home can be stressful on your pets, there are many things you can do to make this process as painless as possible. Here are some helpful tips to make this transition and keep your pets safe during a move.
Update your pets tag- the tag should include your destination location, telephone number, and cell phone number so that you can be reached immediately during the move.
Ask for Veterinary records- you should have a current copy of your pets vaccinations, or medical history to be able to transfer to a new vet (if necessary) Keep your current vets phone number handy in case of an emergency, or if the new vet needs additional information
Keep food and medications on hand- Keep one weeks worth of food and medication with you in case of an emergency.
Seclude your pet from chaos- Pets can feel vulnerable on moving day. Keep them in a safe, quiet, well-ventilated place, such as a bathroom, with a DO NOT DISTURB! PETS INSIDE! sign posted on the door.
Get an easy collapsible travel crate- make sure your pet is familiar with the new crate before moving day by gradually introducing him or her to the crate before your trip. Be sure the crate is well-ventilated and sturdy enough for stress chewers; otherwise a nervous pet could escape.
Prepare a first aid kit- Your veterinarian's phone number, gauze wrap wounds or to muzzle your pet, adhesive tape for bandages, non-stick bandages, towels, and hydrogen peroxide. You can use a door, board, blanket or floor mat as an emergency stretcher and a soft cloth, rope, necktie, leash, or nylon stocking for an emergency muzzle.
Play it safe in the car- Secure the crate or carrier with a seat belt and provide your pet with familiar toys. Never keep your pet in the open bed of a truck or the storage area of a moving van.
Get ready takeoff- When traveling by air, check with the airline about any pet requirements or restrictions to be sure you've prepared your pet for a safe trip. Give yourself plenty of time to work out any arrangements necessary for your pet to have a safe flight.
Find a new veterinary clinic and emergency hospital- When choosing a new veterinary hospital, ask your vet to recommend a doctor near your new location. Talk to your neighbors in your new community to find out who sees their pets, and give you suggestions.
Prepare your new home for pets- Pets may be frightened and confused in new surroundings. Upon your arrival at your new home, immediately set out all the similar and necessary things your pet will need; food, water, medications, bed, litter box, toys, etc. Have these items in a handy spot so they can be easily accessed. Keep internal windows and doors closed when your pet is unsupervised and watch for narrow gaps your pet may hide inside.
We love our pets and want them to feel safe and secure. Our pets are not just pets, they are family.